Update: covid-19 situation in Romania and in Bucharest
Bucharest covid 2022

Hello, everybody, this page will be updated whenever it is necessary and when we have additional information about the coronavirus – COVID 19 in Bucharest. If you wonder if the coronavirus is present in Bucharest, well, so far, the answer is YES.

UPDATE MARCH 10 BUCHAREST CORONAVIRUS: 8 persons are, officially, infected with coronavirus in Bucharest, according to the latest data from the authorities. There are many members of the same family, but also, a 41 year old woman who returned from Germany on March 7, a 27 year old man who came from London on February 27 and 2 women, 35 and 36 year old who returned from Israel on February 29. Keep on reading to see how to protect from coronavirus in Bucharest.

UPDATE MARCH 9 BUCHAREST CORONAVIRUS: another three persons who work inside the Government are suspected to be infected with coronavirus. They were in contact with a contaminated person and are now tested for the virus. There are, officially, only TWO persons infected in Bucharest, just like yesterday. Meanwhile, all direct flights to and from Italy are cancelled on all Romanian airports. No other restrictions are available in Bucharest, yet you might expect to find some of the pubs in the Old City closed because of the same coronavirus.

UPDATE MARCH 8 BUCHAREST CORONAVIRUS: the second person infected with coronavirus in Bucharest is safe under doctors’ command in a hospital. It is a 42 years old woman. In Romania there are, as we speak now, 15 persons with coronavirus.

UPDATE MARCH 7: The first coronavirus found in Bucharest: a 49 years old man who came from Italy on February 27 and who is now under control at the hospital. See how you can protect against coronavirus below.

UPDATE MARCH 6: there are 8 persons in Romania with coronavirus. No such problems in Bucharest.

 Anyway the authorities have decided some emergency rules to avoid any contamination.  So, if you have breathing problems when you arrive on the International Airport in Bucharest, you should see immediately the doctor who is at your disposal at Otopeni, inside the airport. Also, when you visit the city, you should avoid crowded places and, especially, people who seems to have coronavirus or flu.


By: Bucharest Travel

Photographed In: Bucharest
Date Uploaded:2020-26-02
Description: When you come to Bucharest do not forget to respect the rules every hotel in the Romanian capital has imposed against coronavirus for it is for your own safety
So far, there were many cases of usual flu in Bucharest, yet no coronavirus, but it is probably a matter of time until the Romanian capital will import the disease. Especially from Italy where live more than 1 million Romanian and who travel a lot to their home. If you come from Italy, you should know that after your arrival you will be asked to write down your recent travel history. There are no flights restrictions at the moment from Italy to Bucharest. Don’t forget to wash your hands frequently!


By: Bucharest Travel

Photographed In: Bucharest
Date Uploaded:2020-26-02
Description: The Parliament and the Government have taken decisions about coronavirus and how to protect against the virus in Bucharest so you should be theoretically safe
  • You should wear medical masks, but don’t forget to wash your hands before using them.
  • Don’t use again one use masks and be sure they cover your nose and mouth.
  • Don’t tough the out-side masks when you change them.
There are 2,000 persons under medical care for being, possibly, infected with coronavirus in the entire country. 26 are also isolated. Yet, in Bucharest, there are no problems, so you can enjoy your trip the Romanian capital. The authorities ask citizens to call 112 only if they came from areas where the virus is present. Otherwise you can ask for a control in any hospital. You are also asked not to take medicines without your personal doctor assistance. Meanwhile, the subway in Bucharest decided to disinfect the trains and the stations. You are also asked to avoid crowded places like concerts and even churches.


By: Bucharest Travel

Photographed In: Bucharest
Date Uploaded:2020-26-02
Description: There might be restrictions due to coronavirus in Bucharest but this should not be a problem for you to visit the Romanian capital if you already have reservations
According to the Romanian authorities and the OMS, the coronavirus needs a close human contact to get from an infected person to another. So avoid ill persons. Yet, if a sick person is near you and you share the same table, let’s say, you might be infected. Also, you should make sure your food is very well prepared when you go to a restaurant in the OLD CITY OF BUCHAREST for example. Call 112 if you have fever, feel sick, have breathing problems and you came from infected areas, like Wuhan in China, or Lombardia in Italy.



By: Bucharest Travel

Photographed In: Bucharest
Date Uploaded:2020-26-02
Description: If you have symptoms of coronavirus you should call 112 the emergency number, call a private ambulance or go the hospital immediately
Bucharest is a safe city! For details click HERE! Enjoy your journey!
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