Bucharest Bucur Church By: BUCHAREST-TRAVEL.COM

Photographed In: Bucharest, Bucur Church
Date Uploaded:2020-19-01
Description: Bucur Church in Bucharest is considered to be one of the oldest buildings in the Romanian capital


We visited the church of Bucur, as it is known in Bucharest two times, in autumn and in summer. It is the same quiet place. It was in July, 2019 when we last went there to take a tour of the area and to see what is inside Radu Voda Monastery which is just across the street. Actually, in the late Middle Age, both churches were a single worship place. The best time to see Bucur Church in Bucharest is during summer and it will take you only half of hour to take a look at the architecture and the inside of, maybe, one of the oldest churches in the Romanian capital.


Bucur Church is near Unirii Square Bucharest By: BUCHAREST-TRAVEL.COM

Photographed In: Bucharest, Bucur Church
Date Uploaded:2020-19-01
Description: Bucur Church in Bucharest is near Unification Square and the National Library in the center of the Romanian capital
This small church is right in the middle of Bucharest, near Unirii, or Unification Square, as you cross the street from Unirii Shopping Center and you have the Palace of Parliament on your right and then, you make left on the first street. You will, surely, see the Radu Voda Monastery, but, until you get there, on your left, on a small hill, near a corporate building and a communist block of flats, you will see this small worship place. It has walls and rather sharp stairs. There is also a garden a some trees around. Bucur Church in Bucharest is built for Atanasie and Chiril, the two patriarch of Alexandria and who also are spiritually governing over cemeteries. About where is Bucur Church you can learn more at the bottom of this post, on Google Maps.


Bucur Church Bucharest is near Unirii Square By: BUCHAREST-TRAVEL.COM

Photographed In: Bucharest, Bucur Church
Date Uploaded:2020-19-01
Description: Bucur Church history is directly related to Vlad the Impaler who ruled the Romanian country when the church was built at the and of the 15th century
The history of Bucur Church in Bucharest goes back to Vlad the Impaler, the character and historical figure that gave birth to Dracula. For it is during his reign on this region when the church had been built. This is what legends say. According to historians, instead, Bucur Church in Bucharest was built by other great man of state in the Romanian countries, Mircea The Old( Mircea cel Batran), who ruled from 1386 to 1418 and who built the worship place in 1416. Anyway, according to old texts, Bucur Church in Bucharest appears as an additional building to Radu Voda Monstery in 1705. All historical sources say that this monastery was first built from wood and the church of Bucur was built later. Since there were dangerous times in the late middle Ages, the church was almost a ruin in 1869, when the architect Gaetano Burelli repairs it.


Beautiful building at Bucur Church in Bucharest By: BUCHAREST-TRAVEL.COM

Photographed In: Bucharest, Bucur Church
Date Uploaded:2020-19-01
Description: Bucur Church in Bucharest is a small worship place and is interesting especially from the historical point of view and, yet, here are architectural elements reminding of the old Romanian houses
When we last visited Bucur Church on our tour in Bucharest, we found only one old woman who is taking care of the place. She is there taking care of the flowers around and serving you if you needed to buy something. And we learned that in 1901 the church was a ruin again and was closed from 1909 to 1910. The state rebuilt the entrance, the roof and the walls in those years and again in 1931, so it was open again for the public only in 1938. What happened next in the communist period will find immediately.


Architecture of Bucur Church in Bucharest By: BUCHAREST-TRAVEL.COM

Photographed In: Bucharest, Bucur Church

Date Uploaded:2020-19-01

Description: Some legends say about Bucur Church in Bucharest that was built by the first man who settled here near Dambovita river

The first time when the Bucur Church in Bucharest is written about is in 1728 AD, when a historian called Johhan Filstich say that in the beginning there was a small church built by a shepherd named Bucur, whose name also gave the name of the Romanian capital. Bucur Church had stone walls and was near the Dambovita River. Which also happens today. The shepherd Bucur was also known as a thief who robbed anyone dared to came in the area. Yet, the same legendd say he built houses for himself and for others who found that the land was good and they could make money here. And so came into being Bucharest. We wrote here about the HISTORY OF BUCHAREST. Some other sources say that Bucur was the son of a great Moldavian ruler who came in the Romanian province and built Radu Voda Monastery and cemetery and than, on his own, built Bucur Church. In 1869, the priest who took care of the church said that he had a text, though the original had been destroyed by a Greek priest in 1862 when the state took all the Church’s proprieties, that showed the following: Bucur Church was built by the ruler Mircea Cel Batran and under the hill there are the bodies of many soldiers who had died in a battle with the Turkish Empire in 1416.


Architecture of Bucur Church in Bucharest By: BUCHAREST-TRAVEL.COM

Photographed In: Bucharest, Bucur Church
Date Uploaded:2020-19-01
Description: One of the most interesting thing about Bucur Church in Bucharest is that the entrance looks just like the entrance of a house in the country in the Romanian villages about you can learn more at the VILLAGE MUSEUM
The architecture of Bucur Church in Bucharest follows the line of old churches in Romania in late Middle Ages. It is simple. 13 on 6 meters area, which is very small, a small roof and dome. Initially, its roof was made of special wood you can only see at the monasteries in Moldavia, the so-called sindrila, small pieces of wood gathered in a special way to prevent water intrusion. There are also six pillars inside, from graved wood and inside you are like in a country house, with icons and old popular towels, let’s say.


Inside Bucharest Bucur Church By: BUCHAREST-TRAVEL.COM

Photographed In: Bucharest, Bucur Church
Date Uploaded:2020-19-01
Description: There are many icons inside Bucur Church in Bucharest though it is not a large worship place


Paintings inside Bucharest Bucur Church By: BUCHAREST-TRAVEL.COM

Photographed In: Bucharest, Bucur Church
Date Uploaded:2020-19-01
Description: Old paintings are also on the walls in Bucur Church Bucharest many of them with Bible scenes
During the communist period, hundreds of churches were demolished. This small church was also in danger. In 1987, when the new center of Bucharest was built and thousands of people had to move for their houses had been destroyed in order Nicolae Ceausescu to build his capital inspired by Pyongyang in North Korea or Beijing, a state employee saved the church. According to an urban legend, he simply forgot to put the area on the new plan of modernization of Bucharest. Thus, none could demolish the building. Yet, it is surrounded by communist and modern block of flats. But, Bucur Church in Bucharest survived.


The communists and Bucur Church in Bucharest By: BUCHAREST-TRAVEL.COM

Photographed In: Bucharest, Bucur Church
Date Uploaded:2020-19-01
Description: The communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu wanted to destroy Bucur Church but the building had chance due to a state employee
In the area of Bucur Church there are pubs, restaurants and you can also visit the Old City of Bucharest, House of People of Palace of Parliament, University Square and Cismigiu Gardens. Enjoy your trip! Here is the Google map I promised!